Hello, I'm Elle!

My passion is guiding leaders to find

joy in what they do


My name is Elle Lebourg, I started Sgraffito to share ​with others that there is more than one right answer ​to how we work and make impact in the workplace.

In coaching, my mission is to fuel your growth, ​strengthen and build capacity, and make the changes ​that are important to you. You set the direction, the ​goals, and the focus of the coaching engagement.

My consulting and training work focuses on ​incorporating creativity and inspiration to hold you or ​your team accountable to making change stick.

If you're curious about my educational or employment ​history, head over to my Linkedin.

pssst: Want to know what Sgraffito even means?

My Work


Grow, strengthen, build curiosity, and make the changes that are important to you

Learning Programs

Resources designed to help you create a work-life you love


Use creative methods to unlock your team's problem solving potential.

Let's Connect